Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Google Latest SEO Issues

Google Latest SEO Issues

Hi guys, here are latest developments on how google is behaving these days when it comes to the SEO fraternity. A lot of developments have taken place and have effected the way the websites rank on Google. I have tried to assimilate the subject in 4 points for better understanding.

  • Google Canonical Issues: It has been noticed that Google now treats www.yourdomain.com, yourdomain.com, and yourdomain.com/index.html as different web sites, the effect of whihc is that these pages are treated with google as different web pages with same content and these pages are penalised for this fact. This is a basic indexing issue and its problem with googles indexing capability that it was unable to resolve this issue.
  • Google Sandbox Effect: It is seen that websites which are new launches face this problem that Google does not include them in the ranking index for a specified period of time thinking that the website having 1,00,0000 pages cannot be created in a short span of time and the links that it has cannot be natural and are either spam or paid. So google puts the website under the sandbox penalty to ensure that the website is a genuine source and monitors the website till it finally start to show it in the results. The time frames are your best guess. Although there are no written proofs of such phenomenon but it is noticed that for highly competitive terms generally this is noticed. Websites targeting less competitive terms still dont have to face the sandbox penalty.
  • Supplemental Page Issues: After the Big Daddy roll out the supplement page issue became a night mare of all webmasters. it was noticed that big names were hit by this supplement page problem where 1,00,000's of pages were put into the supplement index which was like burying the websites alive. The credit to this also goes to the Canonical Issues which google failed to resolve, but i guess the night mare is over to a lot of extent. TO add to the story is that duplicate content where the website in todays scenario use News feeds and Rss to cover the stories is also a problem which leads to supplement pages. The key lies in original content and well optimizes pages and solutions.


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