Saturday, September 20, 2008

Linux / Unix Command: unzip

The following examples illustrate typical uses of the command unzip for unpackaging "archive" files, also called "zip files". The archive files are assumed to be generated using software such as zip, which uses the standard zip file format.

To use unzip to extract all members of the archive into the current directory and subdirectories below it, creating any subdirectories as necessary:

unzip letters

To extract all members of into the current directory only:

unzip -j letters

To test, printing only a summary message indicating whether the archive is OK or not:

unzip -tq letters

To test all zipfiles in the current directory, printing only the summaries:

unzip -tq \*.zip

(The backslash before the asterisk is only required if the shell expands wildcards, as in Unix; double quotes could have been used instead, as in the source examples below.) To extract to standard output all members of whose names end in .tex, auto-converting to the local end-of-line convention and piping the output into more(1):

unzip -ca letters \*.tex | more

To extract the binary file paper1.dvi to standard output and pipe it to a printing program:

unzip -p articles paper1.dvi | dvips

To extract all FORTRAN and C source files--*.f, *.c, *.h, and Makefile--into the /tmp directory:

unzip "*.[fch]" Makefile -d /tmp

(the double quotes are necessary only in Unix and only if globbing is turned on). To extract all FORTRAN and C source files, regardless of case (e.g., both *.c and *.C, and any makefile, Makefile, MAKEFILE or similar):

unzip -C "*.[fch]" makefile -d /tmp

To extract any such files but convert any uppercase MS-DOS or VMS names to lowercase and convert the line-endings of all of the files to the local standard (without respect to any files that might be marked ``binary''):

unzip -aaCL "*.[fch]" makefile -d /tmp

To extract only newer versions of the files already in the current directory, without querying (NOTE: be careful of unzipping in one timezone a zipfile created in another--ZIP archives other than those created by Zip 2.1 or later contain no timezone information, and a ``newer'' file from an eastern timezone may, in fact, be older):

unzip -fo sources

To extract newer versions of the files already in the current directory and to create any files not already there (same caveat as previous example):

unzip -uo sources

To display a diagnostic screen showing which unzip and zipinfo options are stored in environment variables, whether decryption support was compiled in, the compiler with which unzip was compiled, etc.:

unzip -v

In the last five examples, assume that UNZIP or UNZIP_OPTS is set to -q. To do a singly quiet listing:

unzip -l

To do a doubly quiet listing:

unzip -ql

(Note that the ``.zip'' is generally not necessary.) To do a standard listing:

unzip --ql


unzip -l-q


unzip -l--q

(Extra minuses in options don't hurt.)

more info:
Complete syntax of the command: zip
Complete syntax of the command: unzip

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